TIBCO BW Groups:
Groups are used to
specify related sets of activities. The main uses of groups are the following:
• To create a set of
activities those have a common error transition. Basically, this is similar to
a try...catch block in Java. This allows you to have a set of activities with
only one error-handling transition, instead of trying to individually catch
errors on each activity.
• To create sets of
activities those are to be repeated. You can repeat the activities once for
each item in a list, until a condition is true, or if an error occurs.
• To create sets of
activities those participate in a transaction. Activities in the group that can
take part in a transaction are processed together, or rolled back, depending
upon whether the transaction commits or rolls back.
No Action Groups
You can group a set of
related activities, with a common set of transitions into and out of the group.
If you do not wish for the activities in the group to repeat, specify the group
action to be none. No action groups are primarily useful for specifying a
single error transition out of the group so that if an unhandled error occurs
in the group, you only need one error transition instead of an error transition
for each activity. This behavior is similar to a try...catch block in Java.
can use groups to conditionally execute business logic. The If group allows you
to specify a set of conditions that are evaluated in order.
Section Groups
section groups are used to synchronize process instances so that only one process
instance executes the grouped activities at any given time.
concurrently running process instances that contain a corresponding critical section
group wait until the process instance that is currently executing the critical section
group completes. Critical Section groups are particularly useful for controlling
concurrent access to shared variables.
of Loops
allow you to execute a series of activities more than once. You can iterate based
on the items in an array stored in the process data, you can iterate while or until
a given condition is true, or you can iterate if an error is encountered while processing.
The following are the types of loops that are available:
• Iterate Loop
• Repeat Until True Loop
• While True Loop
• Repeat On Error Until True Loop
Iterate loop repeats the series of grouped activities once for every item in the
Until True Loop
Repeat Until True loop repeats the series of grouped activities until the given
condition evaluates to true. The activities are always executed once before checking
if the condition is true. After executing the series of activities, the condition
is checked, and the loop exits when the condition evaluates as true.
Thefollowing is an example of a Repeat Until True loop.
True Loop
While True loop repeats the series of grouped activities as long as the given condition
evaluates as true. The condition is evaluated when the group is entered. If the
condition evaluates to false, the activities within the group are not executed.
On Error Until True Loop
Repeat On Error Until True loop allows you to repeat a series of activities when
an unhandled error occurs. The activities in the group are executed once. If there
are no unhandled errors, the loop terminates. If an error occurs for which there
is no error transition, the condition of the loop is evaluated — if the condition
is true, the loop terminates, if the condition is false, the loop repeats until
there is no error occurs or the condition is true.
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