Tuesday, 8 March 2016

TIBCO BW| Variables interview questions

1.     What are the Types of Variables in TIBCO BusinessWorks?
Ans: There are 3 types of variables available in Tibco BusinessWorks. They are
i)       Global variables
ii)    Process variables
iii)  Shared Variables
2.     What are the Global variables and what is the use of Global variables?
Ans: these variables allow you to specify constants that can be used throughout the project. The constants can be specified and changed while designing and testing your project. You can also specify different values for each deployment of your project.
3.     What are the Process variables?
Ans: The Process Variables tab allows you to specify user-defined process variables for the process definition. For example, there are predefined process variables containing the process ID, project name, and other information.
 Process variables are displayed in the Process Data panel of each activity’s Input tab.
4.     How can we assign the values to Process variables?
Ans: You can assign a value to the process variables with the Assign activity.
5.     What is the difference between Deployment and Service level Global Variables?
Ans: Deployment: Select the deployment check box to make the variable visible and we can change the value of Global Variable, when deploying using TIBCO Administrator. If the check box is clear, the variable is not visible in TIBCO Administrator.
Service: Service indicates that the variable should be included when the Include all service level global   variables option is selected when building the enterprise archive file. A variable that can be changeable on a per-service basis can be set for each adapter service. This option is used for TIBCO adapter archives. TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks does not use this setting.
6.     How can we change the value of Global variables in TIBCO Administrator?
Ans: 1. Select Respective application under the Application Management.
     2. An application’s advanced tab to set application-specific variables.
7.     What is the difference between Shared Variables and job shared variables?
Ans: Shared Varaibles: Shared Variables allow you to specify data for use across multiple process instances. Because multiple process instances can access the same variable.
Job Shared Variable:

A Job Shared Variable shared configuration resource allows you to store the data for use by each process instance. A copy of the variable is created for each new process instance. This resource is useful for passing data to and from sub-processes without creating an input or output schema for the called process.